Testing out the idea of personal bl0g

Monday, May 19, 2003

Black Flag: The First Five Years.
A version of this article ran in MOJO's December issue. That version was 6,000 words long. What follows is the author's original 9200-word draft. Good read!!!

Sunday, May 18, 2003

My first real post.
To bl0g, or not to bl0g, that's the real question. An idea really has no steam until it's covered by someone in the mainstream press, or so it seems. Blogs take Web diaries to the next level found on CNN looks into the latest craze hitting the web.
Test #2
This is a second test of bl0g, so I can become familiar with this concept.
The Start of my Bl0g
Well this looks interesting, now if only I can figure out how to self extract the c0de so that I can upload it to my own website (can you believe I've forgotten the password for the site)?!?